Thursday 7 June 2012

about ify

Alyssa Saufika UmariAlyssa Saufika Umari or so-called Ify (born in London, December 6, 1996, age 15 years) is an Indonesian Idol, actress, model and singer from Indonesia. Ify known to the audience after attending a talent show IdolaCilik and known also as a motivator and inspiration for teenagers. Ify fandom is IFC (Ify Fans Club)Ify is a finalist of the talent show IdolaCilik 1 (2008) aired by RCTI. But unfortunately, he only got to last up to 12 large. His passion for the arts and entertainment, also influenced by his family who was a bloody art. Ify great-grandfather could play many musical instruments, Ify grandmother, Farida Pasha was an actress, mother Sonia Gina Ify a news presenter on TVRI, while papa Ify (Tubagus Hanafi) is Executive Director of the Program MM Binus Business School. Ify is the second of three brothers, with an older brother that is Eizel Mauldy Muhammad and one sister, namely Khalif Ali Husain. Ify initially learned piano from kindergarten, and then sing at Farabi Music School (owned Dwiki Dharmawan) and Elfa's Music School. Now she loves them and is often featured singing while playing piano or guitar.Although born into a family that has talent and is known to many people, it does not make a child ify haughty and arrogant, with a high multi-talented he has shown to his parents and everyone that he has something that is not wholly owned by others, With a very busy state, it will not make fans forget ify his fans, even ify willing to share half the time just to interact with his fans fans, by fans fans happy, though not all of which had greeted ify. ify and although not top 10 in IdolaCilik 1, but that does not make ify a child who desperately behind even felt pain yangg ify because it's not top 10 ify that motivate children to become resilient, vibrant, and remain grateful for, then from ify it makes a lot of admired people, including me.The girl who has a hobby of singing, playing piano, playing ethnic percussion, and dance it. never win the race story telling, science quiz, search for words in the encyclopedia index, create and read the news. Ify also been involved in the Java Jazz Festival 2007 with Sadao Watanabe, and then engaged in making a movie titled album melody, and also engaged in the manufacture of human Album "Sound Companion" from PMI which also involves a lot of musicians like Dwiki Dharmawan Indonesia, Tompi, Opie Andaresta, Fariz RM, etc.. At Java Jazz 2011 Ify a jazz singer's youngest (14 years) who brought jazz music genre ethnic (World Music) with singing Lamalera (Dharmawan Dwiki work). Ify is increasingly recognized achievements through a lot of people to a foreign band, Incognito, who had seen the video on Youtube Ify once said if Indonesia wanted to invite her to duet with Ify. "She is not arrogant, he was very polite and courteous" he said. Gabriel Stevent Damanik is a friend in IC 1 said that he was amazed to Ify. Ify has also been elected as little motivator with Gabriel Stevent Damanik, Cakka Nuraga, Brandon, etc.. And until recently, been 4 times Ify performed a show at the important events of his guests was the President of the Republic of Indonesia and other important officials. One of them at the time of the First Lady's birthday on July 6, 2010.Prior to joining Blink, Ify joined the band formed by the Super Idol IdolaCilik with Cakka Nuraga Band and others, to fill the position as a keyboard player. At a young age (14 years) Ify has created a song for Blink, one titled Missing. Then, in Blink, Ify a Group Leader with Sivia Azizah. Ify has the characteristics of a beautiful song with amazing improvisation techniques. Her voice was shrill and somewhat husky (especially after bathing).Ify the same I like it because he was nice, pretty, funny, playful, not easily offended, Chill as that is not essential, fun, gregarious as anyone, darling same family, muliti many talents and his principal, which is clearly in ify the same point admire so much fun.